ATHENS week edition 2011 – Students’ works
As the participation in the ATHENS programme is part of the students’ education, they had to be evaluated at the end of the week. The teachers asked them to form small groups of 4...
la durabilité des services d'eau dans les grandes villes
As the participation in the ATHENS programme is part of the students’ education, they had to be evaluated at the end of the week. The teachers asked them to form small groups of 4...
L’analyse de la durabilité sociale des services d’eau et de la redistributivité des formules tarifaires développées par les gestionnaires est au cœur du projet EAU&3. Elle en constitue d’ailleurs probablement l’un des aspects les...
At the end of the week the twenty three (23) students who attended the intensive course had to be evaluated . Seven (7) groups have been set up according to the students’ affinities. You...
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