ATHENS Week 2010: students’ works
At the end of the week the twenty three (23) students who attended the intensive course had to be evaluated . Seven (7) groups have been set up according to the students’ affinities. You...
la durabilité des services d'eau dans les grandes villes
At the end of the week the twenty three (23) students who attended the intensive course had to be evaluated . Seven (7) groups have been set up according to the students’ affinities. You...
Eighteen (18) water and sanitation services managers and academics from various European countries have taken part in our course on water and sanitation sustainability. You will find below their presentations to download (published here...
As last year, Bernard Barraqué (Research Director at the French CNRS and professor at the ENGREF-AgroParisTech), Jean-Luc Trancart (Consultant and Professor of Water policies and technologies at the ENPC) and Laure Isnard (Research assistant...
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