ATHENS week edition 2011 – PRESENTATIONS
During the seminar, water services managers or academics presented the main issues that the water and sanitation services are facing in their country. With their permission, we are publishing here their presentations:
- Jean-Luc TRANCART, Consultant and Professor of Water policies and technologies at the ENPC: Water and sanitation services. Position of the European Union. Glossary and definitions.
- Bernard BARRAQUE, Research Director at the French CNRS and professor at the ENGREF-AgroParisTech: Presentation of the EAU&3E problematique
- Cédric PREVEDELLO, Scientific consultant at AquaWal, the Union of the water cycle professionals of Wallonia: Water Services in Wallonia: Sustainability Issues
- Erik MOSTERT, Professor of Water resources management at the Delft University of Technology: Water and sanitation services in the Netherlands
Tuesday 15-11-11
- Andrea MANGANO, Director of International Operations for ACEA SpA Rome: Water Services in Italy: Evolution, Perspectives and Question Marks
Andrea LIPPI, Professor of Policy analysis and Evaluation at the Faculty of Political Science Cesare Alfieri, University of Florence: The governance of water policy in Italy. Legal framework, processes and outcomes
Bruno NGUYEN, Director of Opertions at Eau de Paris: The water supply of a large city. The example of Paris
Arno BAUMER, Assistant to the CEO of the Ruhrverband: Ruhrverband. Current issues of economy and sanitation
Matthias NAUMANN, Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning – IRS: Regional decline and water infrastructures in East Germany
Wednesday 16-11-11
- Mike KING, Regulation Director of Bristol Water: Water management in the UK
Thursday 17-11-11
- Pere VERGER, Head of Projects Production for AGBAR: Management experience of AGBAR Water Part 1 and Part 2
- David SAURI, Professor at the Geography Department and Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Challenges for sustainable water management: scarcity, drought and debt in Barcelona
- Jean-Patrice POIRIER, Europe Development Director for Veolia Environnement: Veolia Water in Eastern Europe
Friday 18-11-11
- Francisco Nunes CORREIA, former Portuguese Minister for Environment, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, Professor of Environment and Water Resources at IST, Lisbon: Water and Wastewater Services in Portugal: An approach based on Multilevel Governance
- Antonio MASSARUTTO, Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Udine, and Bocconi University, Milano: Water service management in Europe: a comparison of models
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